The Gospel Argument Part III

Romans 3:1-8 NKJV

58.Therefore, (Premises 1-57) both the Gentile and the Jew are under the righteous judgment of God and deserve His wrath, neither has an excuse.

Objection 1:
Is there no benefit to being a Jew?

Answer: There is most definitely a benefit! In every way. Firstly, because the Scriptures, the promises of God, were entrusted to the Jewish people.
(Several more reasons are outlined in Romans 9:4-5 NKJV)

Objection 2:
If some Jews are not believers, does that mean God’s promises to the Jews are broken?

Answer: Absolutely not! God is always faithful to His Word, His promises are unbreakable. God will not be judged by man, God is justified because His Word always comes true.

The covenant with the Jewish people has been, and will be fulfilled.

Objection 3:
If God’s righteousness is displayed, by our unrighteousness and sin, is it unjust for God to judge the world?

Answer: If God is unjust, then, of course, God could not judge. Further, a righteous God would have to punish unrighteousness. Because to not judge unrighteousness would be unrighteous. If God is not righteous, God’s righteousness could not be displayed, because it wouldn’t be righteousness. Therefore, it cannot be unjust for God to judge unrighteousness for the whole question makes itself nonsense.

Objection 3(a):
If I lie, the truth of God has increased to God’s glory. So why would I be judged as a sinner since God’s glory has been increased? In fact, if sin shows God’s righteousness, and God’s righteousness is good, why not just sin more?

Answer: This is a vile thing to say and obviously immoral. God’s righteousness is perfect. Your sin can neither lessen it nor make it greater. Your sin is the cause of God’s suffering in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, to suggest that it should increase is to show wickedness of heart.

The Gospel Argument Part II

(Section 1—Romans 2:6-11)
20.God will judge every person and give them what they deserve according to their thoughts and actions.
21.Those who patiently continue in doing good and seek:
b.Honor, and
 will receive:
d.Eternal life
f.Honor, and
22.Those who:
a.Are self-seeking
b.Do not obey the truth,
c.Instead obey unrighteousness, and
d.Do evil
 Will receive:
g.Tribulation, and
23.The compensation for deeds outlined in Premise 22 will apply to the Jew first and also the Gentile.
24.Therefore (based on Premises 20-23) “there is no partiality with God.”
(Section 2—Romans 2:17-20)
25. The Jewish people rely on the law.
26. The Jewish people boast on God as His chosen people.
27. The Jewish people know the will of God, because of the Scriptures.
28. The Jewish people approve what is good because they have been taught the Scriptures.
29. The Jewish people are confident they have the truth, through the Scriptures, to guide the Gentiles who are:
b.In darkness
d.Like babes (children)
(Section 3—Romans 2:25-29)
30.Being a Jewish person is profitable, if a Jewish person keeps the law.
31.If a Jewish person breaks the law, he or she is in the same position as a Gentile who does not have keep law.
32.The implied corresponding truth of Premise 31 (also verified by Premise 24) is: if a Gentile keeps the law, he or she would be in the same position as a Jewish person who keeps the law.
33.If (because of Premises 25-29) the Jewish person believes he or she should be in a position to judge the Gentiles, then the implied corresponding truth would be: a Gentile who keeps (fulfills) the law should be in a position to judge the Jewish people.
34.Being a Jew is not about outward signs of association with being Jewish.
35.Being a Jew is about the heart, the internal state of affairs between and man or a woman and God.
36.The law is about the Spirit, not the letter.
(Section 4—Romans 2:12-16)
37.Gentiles who have sinned will perish without “the law.”
38.Jews who have sinned will be judged by “the law.”
39.The secrets of every person will judged “by Jesus Christ,” according to the gospel, on judgment day.
40.Hearing the law does not justify the hearer.
41.Doing the law justifies the doer.
42.Gentiles do not have the Scriptures.
43.Even though Premise 42 is true, the consciences of the Gentiles accuse them when they do what is against the law.
44.Even though Premise 42 is true, the consciences of the Gentiles excuse them when they do the law.
45.Therefore (because of Premises 42-44) Gentiles prove (show) the work of the law is written on their hearts. (Gentiles are a law to themselves.)
(Section 5—Romans 2:21-24)
46. Even though Premises 20-45 are true, the Jewish people do the things they say others should not do, including:
b.Committing adultery
c.Committing sacrilege (robbing temples)
47. The Jewish people brag about the law being given to them specially, but they dishonor God by breaking the law.
48. Because they are hypocrites, the Gentiles blaspheme the name of God. (see Isaiah 52:5)
(Section 6 Conclusion of Premises 1-48—Romans 2:1)
49. Premises 46-48 show that the Jewish people do the things in Premises 15-16 (Part I).
50. Because of Premise 29, the Jewish people judge (condemn) the Gentiles for doing the things in Premises 15-16 (Part I).
51. Therefore, the Jews condemn themselves.
a.Further, because of Premises 25-29, the Jewish people are without excuse.
(Section 7—Romans 2:2-5)
52.The Jewish people know that God’s judgment against the thoughts and behaviors described in Premises 15-16 (Part I) is according to truth.
53. Therefore, the Jewish people will also be condemned because they do the same things (Premises 46-49).
54. The Jewish people’s hypocrisy shows they have hard and unrepentant (impenitent) hearts.
55. The behavior of the Jewish people shows they despise the riches of the:
b.Forbearance, and
c.Longsuffering of God.
56. The goodness of God leads to repentance. (Impliedly not the goodness of man.)
57. Because of Premises 20-56, the Jewish people are storing (treasuring) up wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.

The Gospel Argument Part I

(Preamble to the gospel argument)

15 So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
17 For in it [the gospel] the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”

(Part I of the gospel argument (1-19))

1.What can be known of God has been shown to people and is evident in, and among them.
2.God has shown people, and people have been able to clearly see, God’s invisible attributes (characteristics), from the things God has made.
3.God’s attributes from 2 include: God’s divine nature, the fact that He is God.
4.1-3 have been true since the creation of the world.
5.Even though 1-4 are true, and people knew they were true, and knew God, and about God, people did not acknowledge God’s glory, honor, holiness, dignity and worth nor were they thankful to God.
6.Therefore, because of 1-4 people do not have an excuse for their behavior and thoughts (sin) stated in premise 5.
7.Because of 1-5 people began thinking in a useless and ineffective way, and people became foolish, and their hearts were darkened.
8.Even though people became fools according to premise 6, people claimed to be wise.
9.In people’s foolishness, which people claimed was wisdom, people exchanged the glory of God who is incorruptible and immortal, for images and idols made like man and animals.
10. People exchanged the Truth of God for the lie and worshipped themselves and other created things, rather than the Creator, God, Who is blessed forever, Amen.
11.Because of 1-5 and 7-10 God delivered these people to impurity and evil desires in their hearts. Including treating their own bodies, with each other, with dishonor, insult, contempt and shame.
12.Because of 1-5 and 7-11 God delivered them to dishonorable and disgraceful passions, including sexual desires and actions that go against the created order.
13.Because of 12, people suffered the necessary consequences of these actions.
14.People did not want to know God, so God delivered them to morally worthless understanding and intellect.
15.Because of 1-5 and 7-14 people became filled with:
b.sexual immorality,
16.Because of 15(a)-(j) people are:
b. backbiters,
c.haters of God,
g.inventors of evil things,
h.disobedient to parents,
17. because of 1-4 people know that God is righteous and that God’s righteousness judgment means that people deserve death for doing and thinking the things in 5 and 7-16.
18.Even though 17 is true, not only do people do those things, but those people also approve of other people who do those things.
19.Therefore, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.